Employee Activities

Jinsheng Fire drill in 2023!!

Views : 171
Update time :2023-07-14

In order to test our company's mastery and familiarity with the fire emergency plan, to ensure production safety and employee safety. At 16:00 on May 11, 2023, the company began the first fire training and exercise of the year. In this training exercise, the company's leaders and employees actively participated and cooperated, learned fire protection knowledge in the training, and became familiar with fire fighting skills in the exercise.

In order to complete the fire drill more standardly, the company invited the Safety Office of the Tiesong Village Committee to guide.


One: The fire alarm sounds


Hearing the alarm, the employees who were working hurriedly carried out an "escape" and evacuated to the designated place as quickly as possible.

Note! When escaping for refuge


1. Do not take the elevator, because the power supply will often be interrupted during the fire, and you will be trapped in the elevator.


2. Follow the directions of evacuation and enter the safety ladder to escape.


3. Cover your mouth with a towel or handkerchief: After the towel or handkerchief is wet, cover your mouth and nose to avoid the invasion of thick smoke.


4. Crawl in a low posture in thick smoke: The smoke generated in the fire will fill the entire space, so try to take a low posture when taking refuge in the smoke, and the closer the head is to the ground, the better, but you should still pay attention to the speed of crawling.


5, escape along the wall: in the fire, people often show panic, especially in the smoke to escape, reach out five fingers, escape often lose direction or miss the escape door, so in the escape, if you can enter along the wall, there will be no over-the-head phenomenon.

2. Gather at the designated place and report the number of people

Three: Firefighters from the Safety Office of the Tiesong Village Committee will guide and demonstrate the use of fire extinguishers

Usage of fire extinguishers

(1) Lift, lift the fire extinguisher with the handle, and turn the bottle upside down several times before use, so that the dry powder in the bottle is loose and the lead seal is removed;

(2) Pull, pull out the insurance, do not press the handle, otherwise the insurance is not easy to pull out;

(3) Aiming at the fire point at a side and rear more than 1.5 meters away from the fire point (if it is an electrical fire, it should be farther);

(4)Press, hold the nozzle in the left hand, hold the spray device with the right hand, spray at the ignition point, and move horizontally and laterally, surround the dry powder to cover the ignition point, until the fire is all extinguished.

Four: Employee representative actual operation

Fifth: The safety office of the village committee also specially invited employees to operate water cannons

Fire prevention is prevented, and the responsibility of fire protection is heavier than Mount Tai. Through the exercise, the fire safety awareness of all employees can be improved, the ability of employees to escape and self-rescue can be enhanced, the operation of the company's fire protection facilities and equipment can be inspected, and the company's safety accident prevention work can be done at the same time. More importantly, by simulating the on-site environment, summarizing training experience, and striving to find insufficient improvements, the actual combat level of the participants is comprehensively improved.
Through this hands-on exercise, all employees were able to have some skills in the correct use of fire extinguishing equipment in fire accidents. With further practical experience, the first fire drill of the year was basically completed, and the expected purpose was also achieved. I would also like to thank the Tetsumatsu Village Committee for its support to our company.

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